Why I’m Just Going To Publish Something Every Day, Who Gives A S***??

Mo Burns
2 min readJun 12, 2022

i write every day, but really all i do is morning pages and overly complex note-taking.

i’d be doing myself a disservice if i ignored the recent increase in my output, but i can’t help but feel like i’m not making any progress because i still rarely publish.

in a radical effort to get over that hurdle, i’m just going to publish something every day. just getting in the habit. not going to let these words rot in the notes app any longer. i’m just letting it spray.

every day i’ll write for 30 minutes and publish what i have at the end of. even if i don’t think it’s worth sharing, or if it’s not “on brand”, or if i just think it’s shit.

the only requirement is that it’s at least 200–250 words and that at least one line is funny.

the bar is low — flo rida (ft. tpain.)

i’m hoping to get a few things out of this:

  • more focused writing sessions because of the slightly higher stakes
  • a habit of publishing things before i think they’re “ready”
  • a little dopamine from hitting publish

that’s really it, so if you read these and you’re like wow, these suck, that’s ok, that’s not really the point 🙄

the point is to get in reps and to build consistency.

in a lot of ways, you could say medium is my writing gym…

  • i pay a monthly membership
  • i’m too afraid to engage with anyone
  • and i’m gone for months at a time

this is me committing to showing up daily, in hopes of long-term gains…we’ll see if i’m still here in a week.

